Page name: Power of the Gods [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-14 18:43:16
Last author: Artsy
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
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Power of the Gods

OK, so I know the main page says pick now, but I have to put up small descriptions of the gods so you know what abilities and skills you get. This may take two to three days, so bear with me. I will let everyone know when I'm done.

List of Gods:

Life- Vidja (Taken by [~Acidelf3~]for Selena)
Death- Kenibade (Taken by [Ms. Steel] for Betty)
Fire- Saled (Taken by [Tekkon KinKreet] for Elson)
Water- Baltos(Taken by [Eyelash-Wishes] for Hannah)
Earth- Tirok (Taken by [Eyelash-Wishes] for Eva)
Air- Zephos (Taken by [Ms. Steel] for Carl)
Destiny- Caryon(taken by [Tekkon KinKreet] for Chance)
Knowledge- Kazban (taken by [Nuktae-tal] for Spark)
Balance- Lathea (taken by [Artsy] for Tanker)
Strength- Aklendzer
Defense- Badnezer (taken by [~Acidelf3~]for Kohana)
Speed- Tirran (Taken by [Artsy] for Lysander)
Chaos- Riptea (taken by [Artsy] for Ren)

Flora- Mindos
Fauna- Plyncia (Ephasis on cia)
Light- Luna <---I bet this page is taken....
Darkness- Akota
Electricity- Nisso (Pronounced Neeso)

[Tekkon KinKreet]- Destiny (Chance), Fire (Elson)

[~Acidelf3~] - Life (Selena), Defense (Kohana)

[Artsy] - Chaos (Ren), Balance (Tanker), Speed (Lysander)

[Nuktae-tal] - Knowledge (Spark)

[Eyelash-Wishes] - Water (Hannah), Earth (Eva)

[Ms. Steel] - Death (Betty), Air (Carl)

Back to The Accidents Rp

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2006-07-03 [Artsy]: *thinks about picking one....*

2006-09-13 [~Acidelf3~]: chance... there are blank ones.. did u konw that?

2006-09-13 [Nuktae-tal]: wouldn't it be funny if a good guy had the death one! hahahaha never mind...just popped in my head when I saw it...

2006-09-14 [~Acidelf3~]: lol

2006-09-14 [Nuktae-tal]: well... I thought it would...since fire and chaos are both gone...and no bad guy for death...and my characters all smart mouthed and gloomy lol

2006-09-14 [Artsy]: hey, well.. you see.. the only reason death isn't for a bad guy is because no bad guy is made for it yet, if acid made her cheerleader bad'guy' it could be death... lol, kiss of death!

2006-09-14 [Tekkon KinKreet]: lol. Have you guys checked out your gods profiles yet?

2006-09-14 [Tekkon KinKreet]: sorry, i forgot to send you a message after my last one to tell you I put the names on there for ya. FORGIVE ME! lol

2006-09-15 [~Acidelf3~]: lol yeah the cheerleader thing.. lol idk yet.. it would be different.. could u see a prep with death??? lol

2006-09-15 [~Acidelf3~]: actually the way i ws thinking of doing her.. it wont work.. lolz

2006-09-15 [~Acidelf3~]: Chance everyone but the death god is like empty. when you click them.. fix it.. lol

2006-09-15 [Tekkon KinKreet]: um no... actually fire, death, life, and destiny are done. i have to do, the other ones, but at the moment i'm only doing the ones taken by the members so we can get into the powers and the really good fight scenes quicker. :p

and btw, if anyone thinks that their charrie is really unfairly made, just say something. I don't want a ton of whining, but i trust all your guys's judgement.

2006-09-16 [~Acidelf3~]: lol well chance u know me so i wont have a problem.. lol and if all them are gone then who is my cheereleader gunna be?

2006-09-16 [Prater]: if you want me to pick one, I need to know what I'm picking. I don't mean to be rude

2006-09-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I chose Knowledge couldn't think of anything better

2006-09-18 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah thats what i was saying cuase none of them have descriptions but death and its stupid.. so chance please work on this one

2006-09-18 [Prater]: I don't know if I'm going to stick with Knowledge or not....

2006-09-18 [~Acidelf3~]: lol

2006-09-18 [~Acidelf3~]: i think devlin sould be death then again it is kinda dark evil spirtied

2006-09-19 [Nuktae-tal]: I was thinking about picking it... but it soundes like he was wanting to make a character specifically for it...should I change it? I kinda do like the idea of Death being on the good guys know something new?

2006-09-19 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah its just going to be hard as hell to like play i know that.. it sounds like it would be anyways.. but im sure you could do it and it would be intersting... and as for changing it .. its up to u

2006-09-19 [Tekkon KinKreet]: no i wasn't working on anything for death, i have my three characters, and i think imma have enough fun with them. but anyways, i DID make descripts for a couple others, and another thing. I HAVE INTERNET NOW!!! i will most likely be on every morning for a couple hours and then again at like eight oclock until like ten or so.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: sweet! good job! Death and Life on the same side. how wonderful lol

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol wonderful!!! dont kill me now.. lol u need me.. lolz

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol they only contradict... though Devlin had better stay away from the infirmary... anyone injured or injured severaly has a big dip in the life force they give and if he touches them...or something like that from what I read he could very well kill them off!

2006-09-20 [Tekkon KinKreet]: he can touch people. The touch of death only applies if he wants it to. It's a controllable thing.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well...he doesn't know that or even how to work it. bare skin contact kinda thing?

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: oooo, very rogue from x-men!

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: um...yeah kinda

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: .. i say he has to touch the heart.. make somthing specific like that so its not just like if he brushes one of us cause that could get .. well.. yeah if he was to bump shoulders with selena chance vala estdiny that would suck if it was that simple... understand where im going with this one?

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: just a suggestion but you can do as you wish he is after all ur charr

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: thats what I want to know! I mean...I was thining a though near the chest. bare handed or at least close proximity for his life force to touch theirs you know? there are two key points of energy through the body. or three...anyways mostly the heart and the low stomach area.

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: umm it could just be like the reapers from dead like me, only effects those destined to die, but in this case, able to die easily.. and only when he wanted them to

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah could be that to ..

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well I'll wait for the explanation from the creator how's that? lol

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: lol he will end up telling you we all came up with good ideas and its ur charr and he will give u general advice.. lol

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: well it's better then nothing

2006-09-20 [Tekkon KinKreet]: hmmm i kinda was thinking like a flat palmed touch to the chest... if you really want to he could have a word... nothing really dramatic... I think "Die" would probably work... but yah he doesn't know that yet, and if you haven't noticed, Estidny is kina making his rounds, giving everyone hints to their powers.... so he will eventually tell Devlin about his too.

2006-09-20 [Nuktae-tal]: lol alright I was noticing a trend there. flat palmed sounds good. and to have a key word would be good too... I'll mull it over and come up with something similar or maybe the same...

2006-09-20 [Artsy]: Muerto!

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: told u he would give general guidance

2006-09-20 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i'm not a dictator... i just make strong.... very strong... suggestions... *Hides castro style hat behind back* lol

2006-09-20 [~Acidelf3~]: uh huh..

2006-09-21 [Nuktae-tal]: hahahahah

2006-09-21 [~Acidelf3~]: i know you too good for your own good chance....

2006-09-21 [Tekkon KinKreet]: yah... probably :p

2006-09-21 [~Acidelf3~]: hehe.. were perfect .. umm.. nvm

2006-10-04 [Artsy]: lol, let's not let tank fall into spark's hands, shall we? tank, as the god of balance, could easily side equally with both others and accidents

2006-10-04 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah that would be bad.. lolz

2006-10-04 [Artsy]: tank, right now, holds no loyalty to the accidents...

2006-10-05 [~Acidelf3~]: .. guess where gunna have to get her again...

2006-10-05 [Tekkon KinKreet]: I think someone will... but I think she'll be less inclined to join the Others, considering they held her mother and father captive, and then again, she's very calculating and may figure that Elson was doing what he needed to do to get the job done... I suppose she COULD go either way... hmmm.... oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there...

2006-10-05 [Tekkon KinKreet]: wow, i just noticed that i have all the gods but three done... seems like i've been doing the profiles forever... :p

2006-10-05 [Nuktae-tal]: hahha it's almost like you have huh? aren't you glad you didn't make more gods?

2006-10-06 [~Acidelf3~]: i have been telling you that for ages chance hensley.....

2006-10-06 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ha.. funny thing is, i'm thinking about making a couple more... :p

2006-10-06 [Nuktae-tal]: hee hee hee silly fool

2006-11-20 [silent_voice]: my god person doent have a description

2006-11-20 [Artsy]: my bad my bad! Chance is working on it, i'm sure ^^

2006-11-20 [Artsy]: Other's call last god! *raises hand to claim*

2006-11-25 [deus-misereatur]: Can I join and steal Tirran?

2006-11-25 [Nuktae-tal]: only if your going to be an Other

2006-11-26 [Artsy]: true dat...

2006-11-30 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok guys, really really sorry to tell you this, but i have no computer right now, so i'm going to have to write out the descripts for the gods, then go to the library and type it up, so it may take a couple days. I'm really really really sorry.

2006-11-30 [Artsy]: oh that's ok chance, no need to rush, take your time

2007-08-24 [Artsy]: so.. Chance... how did you come up with the names? any special way or just make them up?

2007-08-24 [Tekkon KinKreet]: some of them i did... some of them are from past ideas i had for charries and what not, some of them are variations of words that I associated with their element, such as water-baltos- baltic sea or earth-terra-tirrok and air-zephyr-zephos

2007-08-26 [Artsy]: ok.. i'll work on that...

2007-08-26 [Tekkon KinKreet]: kk

2007-10-15 [Artsy]: OMG! i claim speed! i just had an epiphany.. or however that's spelled! MUAH HA HA! i have an idea for a chary!

2008-01-08 [~Acidelf3~]: Hey okay so i created a new one nature.. i really wanted another hcaracter so i though maybe this could help... i cant think of any bio for the god though.. the girls name is kohana she got her own bio thingy.. but chance if you could help me out with the god name and how if effects her im at a blank

2008-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: can't have a nature one... there's already earth, wind, water, and air... all the basic elements that make up nature

2008-01-08 [Nuktae-tal]: Death is free I essentially killed my char for it

2008-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: hmmm actually now that I think of it, Nature could go... but it would have to be towards basically animals only, well and plants to an extent.

Hey Hayli... got some ideas for new gods other than that one... want some input... Lightning, day(light), and Night(darkness)

whatya think?

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: Lightning.. maybe it should be electricity instead? since electricity is a naturally occuring thing...

day and night would be right, but light and darkness is better terms, yeah, those are good... hmmm.... LMAO! What if we had day and night, and two people played a set of twins? I would be amused.

as for some other ones... why don't we make flora one god, and fauna another? instead of making it 'nature'

2008-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ahhh as usual you pull through for me. ^_^

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: umm need my help? you could just put the element.. thingy there and a name you like and i'd be happy to help with profiles ^^

2008-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok i have two names so far... struggling with the other three
Light-Luna (Duh)
Fuana-Plyncia (Ephasis on cia)
Flora-Mindos (as in cross)
Darkness- Akota

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: why isn't Plyncia coming up as a link?

2008-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: not sure...

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: never mind, i fixed it

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: ummm is Air still being used?? o.o'

2008-01-08 [Artsy]: and what about Defense?

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: so we agree about nature??? i got lost..

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: no, you now have the god of flora

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: what the fuck is flora??????

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: plant life

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: is that not nature? my though was nature was trees plants and woodland creatures...

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: flora doesn't count woodland creatures, nature is natural environment, such as woods with no cities or towns or whatever, but flora doesn't include animals and fauna doesn't include plants, flora and fauna together are nature

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: this is confusing.............. i think im gunna change to air.. thats what i really wanted in the first palce

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: how is this confusing?

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: because i guess its hard for me because their is nothing visual like a discription like the other characters... I am more of a visual person idk

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: I am also i bit.. i dont wanna say mad but dissapointed because i wanted Nature.. not flora and someone just changed it and added my new character there.. i guess thats whats bother me as well

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: Nature = flora + fauna
Flora = plant life
Fauna = animal life

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: do you want me to take your chary down until you choose something else, or do you want to move it to something else now yourself?

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: Im looking at some different stuff... i cant choose between air and defence.. lol go figure im picky.. but i think its good that nature was split its less stress on one person

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: exactly, and it allows for one more chary ^^

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: yep yep.. but im glad we got rid of everyone that wasnt playing anymore!! i choose defence.. that way i dont have to change much with Kohana

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: I was just going to change that.. lol i forgot at first

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: now i cant decide if i wanna be an accident or a other
what do we have more of??

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: i don't remember.... accidents i believe

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: I think your right... i believe im gunna go ahead and do an other... that way i keep up with both of the sides of things cause right now ive not been.. and thats bad.. lol

2008-01-09 [Artsy]: well, the others aren't doing anything really...

2008-01-09 [~Acidelf3~]: yeah i already have kohana at the city park close to their place... so i guess i have to pick some stuff for her to do to get them to notice her... idk lol

2008-03-28 [Artsy]: YAY DEATH!

2008-03-28 [Tekkon KinKreet]: lmao... yah... hopefuly ixel stays undlike the last fag. sorry... people that post twice then disappear piss me off... they waste my time... and i'm big on not wasting time. ^^

2008-03-28 [Ms. Steel]: :-D !!!!!

2008-03-28 [Ms. Steel]: Shucks, I'll stick around.

2008-03-28 [Tekkon KinKreet]: YAY FOR STICKINESS..... I think.... :p

2008-03-28 [Ms. Steel]: I guess that depends on the circumstances.

2008-03-28 [Tekkon KinKreet]: Hmmmmmm... i suppose you're right. good call. :D

2008-03-28 [Artsy]: *rubs forehead* Chance... you are aware the person who plays Spark is the same person who played the last death guy, right?

2008-03-28 [Ms. Steel]: Open foot, insert mouth?

2008-03-28 [Artsy]: lamo

2008-03-28 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i'm tellin you it wasn't... there was a person named arturo... not a very good rpist, and they left after two posts.

2008-03-28 [Artsy]: ok, i admit, i was wrong.. no wonder i don't remember them... 2 posts, good lord...

2008-03-28 [Ms. Steel]: ohhhhhh.

2008-03-28 [Tekkon KinKreet]: yah... that pisses me off... seeeeeeeee I wouldn't insult my good rpist... which is pretty much the crew i have now... like i said in that announcement... you guys are the best rp crew ever... Y would i insult you so you all left... that would be ridiculous.

2008-04-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: electricity would be an awesome one

2008-04-14 [Tekkon KinKreet]: I'm getting to them. lol. slowly but surely.... it's really hard to make all of these as different as possible tho... :(

2008-04-14 [Artsy]: oh, and I'm supposed to be helping! I'll get on that this afternoon. I have a laptop and it gets net in my room off the neighbors! Yeah! So I'll help then. ^^

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